We are experienced litigation and trial attorneys. Our practice is entirely devoted to personal injury cases.
We handle all types of accident cases, including: Automobile accidents, construction accidents, injuries resulting from the negligence of landlords such as burn cases caused by excessive hot water temperatures, lead poisoning, injuries caused by failure to provide security, injuries caused by unsafe conditions in buildings, trip and fall accidents and snow and ice accidents.
We will promptly investigate your case and review your medical records and advise you if we can handle your case. We are always available to answer your questions and meet with you to discuss the status of your case. With Casadevall & Castagnozzi, Esqs., you will always speak and deal with attorneys directly.
Our clients are never asked to pay any fees or expenses during the pendency of litigation. Clients only pay attorney fees and any case expenses advanced by the firm if there is a recovery. If we take your case and we do not obtain a recovery, you will not owe us any money.
We accept referrals from attorneys and also provide of counsel services to other attorneys. In our of counsel practice we handle depositions, trials, and mediations for other attorneys and law firms.